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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Known locally as Aaru Sattal,this huge, open temple has a long history. Popular legend has it that during King Laxmi Narsingh's time Kalpa Briksha came to see the chariot festival of Machchhendranath, where he was recognised by one of the priests. The priest sized him and refused to release him until he promised to give a tree from whose wood a rest house could be built. Kalpa Briksha made the promise, and so he was released. Four days later, a huge Sal tree was delivered. with the king's remission, the Kastha Mandap was built from the wood of this single tree; the name Kathmandu was derived from Kastha Mandap.

Three-storey Kastha Mandap has an open ground floor, underlining its original purpose as a public building. The decorations and carvings added over the years have greatly enhanced the original design, bringing it closer to the appearance of a shrine. The central image in Kasta Mandap is of the saint Gorakhanath. At each of the four corners is an image of Ganesh, the elephant headed god.


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